Making Moves Program (mmp)-

HOME was selected to administer the Making Moves Program (MMP), a comprehensive program that assists participants in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program move to designated well-resourced neighborhoods of their choice in Erie and Niagara Counties. These neighborhoods have been chosen based on how likely they are to promote healthy development for children. The children have access to better schools, neighborhood resources such as grocery stores, doctors and safe playgrounds. There are communities in Buffalo, as well as the surrounding suburbs that fall in the exception and small area fair market zip codes. We also use a map that shows us in green what areas are well-resourced if they don’t fall in the exception payment standard zip codes.

All of the following eligibility requirements must be met in order to enroll in MMP:

  • Head of household has a Housing Choice Voucher

  • Children under 18 on the voucher

  • Still in the housing search process

  • Be current on rent & utilities

  • Not have an emergency need to move

Services provided through MMP include:

  • Participants will receive assistance paying for moving expenses, security deposits, and application fees for housing in well-resourced areas

  • Mandatory one-hour workshops on various housing and wellness related topics

  • Referral for credit counseling

  • Individual counseling and support throughout the housing search process

  • Assistance with completing the lease application and other required paperwork

  • Post-move support and check-ins provided by the Mobility Coach

  • Landlord/Tenant liason services and mediation services to resolve landlord-tenant conflicts

If you are interested in learning more about the Making Moves Program and would like an application, please contact Adrienne Kosis, Making Moves Program Manager at (716) 854-1400 ext. 27 or by e-mail at